This list is grouped according to where the papers have been published. Besides scientific papers, I have also published a few book translations from English to Italian.
- "A system and a method for controlling the light
intensity in a tunnel" with Andrea Bondi, Massimo
Pescalli, Gian Pietro Picco, Renato Lo Cigno, Matteo Nardelli, Nicola
European Patent EP2224308, 2012. PDF
International Journals
- "A Case for Ultra-wideband Concurrent Transmissions
in Wireless Control" Matteo Trobinger and Gian
Pietro Picco.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, August 2024. PDF
- "Self-Localization of Ultra-Wideband Anchors: From Theory to Practice" Pablo Corbalàn, Gian Pietro Picco, Martin Coors, Vivek Jain.
In IEEE Access, vol. 11, March 2023. PDF, dataset and source code - "Measuring close proximity interactions in
summer camps during the COVID-19
pandemic" Elia Leoni, Giulia Cencetti, Gabriele Santin, Timofei Istomin, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Elisabetta Farella, Bruno Lepri and Amy L. Murphy
In EPJ Data Science, vol. 11, Article 5, January 2022. PDF - "Janus: Dual-radio Accurate and Energy-Efficient Proximity Detection" Timofei Istomin, Elia Leoni, Davide Molteni, Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco, Maurizio Griva.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol. 5, no. 4, article 162, December 2021. PDF - "The Wireless Control Bus: Enabling Efficient Multi-hop Event-Triggered Control with Concurrent Transmissions" Matteo Trobinger, Gabriel de Albuquerque Gleizer, Timofei Istomin, Manuel Mazo Jr., Amy L. Murphy, and Gian Pietro Picco.
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), vol 6, no. 1, January 2022. PDF - "Ultra-wideband Concurrent Ranging"
with Pablo Corbalàn.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol. 16, no. 4, September 2020. PDF - "Route or Flood? Reliable and Efficient Support
for Downward Traffic in RPL" with Timofei Istomin, Oana Iova, Csaba Kiraly.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol. 16, no. 1, October 2019. PDF - "Connected Things Connecting Europe" with
Julie A. McCann, Alex Gluhak, Karl Henrik Johansson, Martin Törngren, Laila
In Communications of the ACM (CACM), vol. 62, no. 4, April 2019. PDF - "LaPS: LiDAR-assisted Placement of Wireless Sensor Networks
in Forests" with Silvia Demetri and Lorenzo Bruzzone.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol.15, no. 2, April 2019. PDF - "Social Overlays Meet the Cloud: A Hybrid Architecture for Profile
Dissemination in Decentralized Social Networks" with
Giuliano Mega and Alberto Montresor.
In IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE). PDF - "makeSense: Simplifying the Integration of Wireless Sensor
Networks into Business Processes" with L. Mottola, Felix. J. Oppermann, J. Eriksson, N. Finne, H. Fuchs, A. Gaglione, S. Karnouskos, P. Moreno Montero, N. Oertel, K. Römer, P. Spieß, S. Tranquillini, and T. Voigt.
In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), vol. 6, no. 4, July 2018. PDF - "RPL, the Routing Standard for
the Internet of Things ... Or Is It?" with Oana Iova, Timofei Istomin, and Csaba Kiraly.
IEEE Communications vol. 54, no. 12, December 2016. PDF - "Understanding and geo-referencing animal contacts: proximity sensor networks integrated with GPS-based telemetry" with Federico Ossi, Stefano Focardi, Amy Murphy, Davide Molteni, Bryony Tolhurst, Noemi Giannini, Jean-Michel Gaillard, and Francesca Cagnacci
Animal Biotelemetry vol. 4, no. 21, November 2016. PDF - "Practical Data Prediction for Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks" with Usman Raza, Alessandro Camerra, Amy
L. Murphy and Themis Palpanas.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol. 27, no. 8, 2015. PDF - "DICE: Monitoring Global Invariants with Wireless Sensor
Networks" with Stefan Guna and Luca Mottola.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol. 10, no. 4, June 2014. PDF - "Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks: An
Outlook" with Luca Mottola.
Journal of Internet Services and Application, vol. 3, no. 1, May 2012.
Invited paper for the Future of Middleware (FOME) workshop at Middleware 2011. PDF - "Muster: Adaptive Energy-Aware Multi-Sink Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks" with Luca Mottola.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 10, no. 12, December 2011. PDF - "Programming Wireless Sensor Networks: Fundamental Concepts
and State of the Art" with Luca Mottola.
ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 43, no. 3, April 2011. PDF - "Not all Wireless Sensor Networks are Created Equal: A Comparative Study on Tunnels" with Luca Mottola, Matteo Ceriotti, Stefan Guna, Amy L. Murphy.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol. 7, no. 2, August 2010. The connectivity traces are also available. PDF - "Wireless sensor networks for permanent health monitoring of historic constructions" with Daniele Zonta, Huayong Wu, Matteo Pozzi, Paolo Zanon, Matteo Ceriotti, Luca Mottola, Amy L. Murphy, Stefan Guna, and Michele Corrà.
Smart Structures and Systems, vol. 6, no. 5-6. - "A Self-Repairing Tree Overlay Enabling Content-based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" with
Gianpaolo Cugola and Luca Mottola.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 946-960, August 2008. PDF - "Socially-aware Routing for Publish-Subscribe
in Delay-tolerant Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" with Paolo Costa, Cecilia Mascolo, and Mirco Musolesi.
In IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC), vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 748-760, June 2008. PDF - "Reconfigurable
Component-based Middleware
for Networked Embedded Systems" with Paolo
Costa, Geoff Coulson, Cecilia Mascolo, Luca Mottola,
and Stefanos Zachariadis.
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 149-162, Springer, June 2007. PDF - "Lime:
A Coordination Middleware Supporting Mobility of
Hosts and Agents" with
Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 279-328, July 2006. PDF, BibTeX - "Mobile Data Collection in Sensor Networks: The
TinyLime Middleware" with Carlo Curino, Matteo Giani, Marco Giorgetta, Alessandro Giusti, and Amy
L. Murphy.
Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 446-469, Elsevier, December 2005. PDF, BibTeX - "The LighTS Tuple Space Framework
and Its Customization for Context-Aware Applications" with Davide Balzarotti
and Paolo Costa.
Journal of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WAIS), vol. 5, no. 2, pages 215-231, IOS Press, 2007. PDF, BibTeX - "CodeWeave:
Exploring Fine-Grained Mobility of Code" with
Cecilia Mascolo and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
Journal of Automated Software Engineering, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 207-243, June 2004. PDF, BibTeX - "Reasoning
About Code Mobility in Mobile UNITY" with
Gruia-Catalin Roman and Peter J. McCann.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 338-395, July 2001. PostScript, BibTeX - "Mobile
Agents: An Introduction"
Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 65-74, April 2001. Invited contribution to a special issue on mobile agents edited by A. Corradi. PostScript, BibTeX - "Reliable
Communication for Highly Mobile Agents"
with Amy L. Murphy.
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 81-100, March 2002. PostScript, BibTeX - "Designing
a Videoconference System for Active Networks" with
Mario Baldi and Fulvio Risso.
Journal of Personal Technologies, vol. 1, no. 2, pag. 75-84, December 1998. BibTeX - "Eliciting
Software Process Models with the E3
Language" with Maria Letizia
Jaccheri and Patricia Lago.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 368-410, October 1998. PostScript, BibTeX - "Understanding
Code Mobility" with Alfonso
Fuggetta and Giovanni Vigna.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 342-361, May 1998. PostScript, BibTeX - "Modeling
and Improving an Industrial Software Process"
with Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, Luigi Lavazza, and Maurizio
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 21, no. 5, May 1995, pp. 440-454. PostScript, BibTeX
Books (edited)
- "SenSys'19: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems" with Raghu K. Ganti, Xiaofan (Fred) Jiang, Xia Zhou. New York (NY, USA), November 2019. ACM Press, ISBN 978-1-4503-6950-3.
- "Proceedings of the 5th
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and
Implementation (IoTDI)" with Valérie Issarny, Archan Misra,
Prashant Shenoy.
Sidney (Australia), April 2020. IEEE,
ISBN 978-1-7281-6603-2
- "DCOSS'19: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems" with Sotiris Nikoletseas, Niki Trigoni, Tarek Abdelzaher. Santorini (Greece), May 2019. IEEE, 978-1-7281-0571-0.
- "EWSN'19: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks" with Yunhao Liu, Guoliang Xing, Yuan He. Beijing (China), February 2019. Junction Publishing, 978-0-9949886-3-8.
- "Wireless Sensor Networks" with Wendi Heinzelman.
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2012), Trento (Italy), January 2012. Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 7158, ISBN 978-3-642-28168-6. - "Coordination Models and
Languages" with Jean-Marie Jacquet.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION 2005), Namur (Belgium), April 2005. Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 3454, ISBN 3-540-25630-X. - "Web
Engineering and Peer-to-Peer Computing" with
Enrico Gregori, Ludmilla Cherkasova, Gianpaolo Cugola, and Fabio
Proceedings of Networking 2002 Workshops, Pisa (Italy), May 19-24, 2002. Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2376, ISBN 3-540-44177-8. - "Mobile
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Agents (MA 2001), Atlanta (GA, USA), December 2001. Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2240, ISBN 3-540-42952-2.
Chapters in Books
- "Tuple Space Middleware for Wireless Networks" with Paolo Costa,
Luca Mottola, and Amy L. Murphy.
Invited contribution to the book Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications, B. Garbinato, H. Miranda, and L. Rodrigues eds., pp. 245-264, Springer, 2009. PDF - "Content-Based Publish-Subscribe
in a Mobile Environment" with Gianpaolo Cugola and Amy L. Murphy.
Invited contribution to the book Mobile Middleware, A. Corradi and P. Bellavista eds., pp. 257-285, Auerbach Publications, 2006. PDF, BibTeX - "Semi-probabilistic Routing for Highly Dynamic Networks" with Paolo Costa.
Invited contribution to the book Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and Measurements, F. Davoli, S. Palazzo, and S. Zappatore eds., pp. 193-213, Springer, 2006. PDF, BibTeX - "Developing Mobile Applications:
A Lime Primer" with Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
Invited contribution to the book Mobile Computing Handbook, M. Ilyas and I. Mahgoub eds., Auerbach (CRC Press), pp. 25-52, 2004. PDF, BibTeX - "Software
Architectures for Mobile Computing"
with Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
Invited contribution to the book Software Methods for Software Architectures (SFM-03: SA Lectures), M. Bernardo and P. Inverardi eds., Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2804, pp. 184-208, 2003. PDF, BibTeX - "On
Global Virtual Data Structures" with
Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
Invited contribution to the book Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing, D. Marinescu and C. Lee eds., CRC Press, pp. 11-29, 2002. PostScript, BibTeX - "Coordination
and Mobility" with Amy L. Murphy
and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
Invited contribution to the book Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications, A. Omicini, F. Zambonelli, M. Klusch, R. Tolksdorf eds., Springer, pp. 254-273. PDF, BibTeX - "Software
Engineering for Mobility: A Roadmap"
with Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
Invited contribution to the book The Future of Software Engineering, A. Finkelstein ed., ACM Press, ISBN 1-58113-253-0, 2000, pp. 241-258. PDF, BibTeX - "Analyzing
Mobile Code Languages" with
Gianpaolo Cugola, Carlo Ghezzi, and Giovanni Vigna.
Invited contribution in the book Mobile Object Systems: Towards the Programmable Internet, J. Vitek and C. Tschudin eds., Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 1222, ISBN 3-540-62852-5, 1997, pp. 93-111. PostScript, BibTeX
International Conferences and Workshops
- "A Circularly Polarized UWB Antenna
for Improved Positioning Accuracy"Leonardo Lizzi, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Amina Benouakta, Fabien Ferrero.
In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA), Da Nang (Vietnam), October 9-11, 2024. PDF - "StopTracker: Real-time Monitoring of Visitor Stops and Preferences Using UWB Trajectory Streams" Fatima Hachem, Venkata Sudheer Raj Siddabattula, Davide Vecchia, Gian Pietro Picco and Maria Luisa Damiani.
In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL), Atlanta (GA, USA), October 29-Friday November 1, 2024. Demo paper. PDF - "Network On or Off?
Instant Global Binary Decisions over UWB with Flick" Enrico Soprana, Matteo Trobinger, Davide Vecchia, Gian Pietro Picco.
In Proceedings of the 22th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), San Antonio (TX, USA), May 9-12, 2023. PDF
This paper received the Best Paper Award. - "Human Occlusion in Ultra-wideband Ranging: What Can the Radio Do for You?" Vu Anh Minh Le, Matteo Trobinger, Davide Vecchia, Gian Pietro Picco.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2022), Guangzhou (China), December 14-16, 2022. PDF and talk - "Poster abstract: Cloves: A Large-scale Ultra-wideband Testbed?" Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Matteo Trobinger, Davide Vecchia.
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Boston (MA, USA), November 6-9, 2022. PDF - "Fine-grained Stop-Move Detection in UWB-based Trajectories" Fatima Hachem, Davide Vecchia, Maria Luisa Damiani, Gian Pietro Picco
In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2022), Pisa (Italy), March 21-24, 2022. PDF, teaser, and talk - "One Flood to Route Them All:
Ultra-fast Convergecast of Concurrent Flows over UWB" with Matteo Trobinger, Davide Vecchia, Diego Lobba, Timofei Istomin.
In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2020), Yokohama (Japan), November 16-19, 2020. PDF and video - "Poster Abstract: Dual-radio Discovery and Ranging for Infrastructure-less Social Distancing with Janus" with Timofei Istomin, Elia Leoni, Davide Molteni, Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2020), Yokohama (Japan), November 16-19, 2020. PDF and video - "Concurrent Transmissions for Multi-hop
Communication on Ultra-wideband Radios" with Diego
Lobba, Matteo Trobinger, Davide Vecchia, and Timofei
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Lyon (France), February 17-19, 2020. PDF - "Robot Localization via Odometry-assisted Ultra-wideband
Ranging with Stochastic Guarantees" with Pablo Corbalàn,
Daniele Fontanelli, Valerio Magnago, and Luigi
In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), Macau (China), November 4-8, 2019. PDF and video - "TALLA: Large-scale TDoA Localization with Ultra-wideband Radios" with Pablo
Corbalàn, Timofei Istomin, and Davide Vecchia.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2019), Pisa (Italy), September 30 - October 3, 2019. PDF - "Playing with Fire: Exploring Concurrent Transmissions in Ultra-wideband Radios" with Pablo
Corbalàn, Timofei Istomin, and Davide Vecchia.
In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON 2019), Boston (MA, USA), June 10-13, 2019. PDF - "Chorus: UWB Concurrent Transmissions for GPS-like Passive
Localization of Countless Targets" with Pablo
Corbalàn and Sameera Palipana.
In Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2019), Montreal (Canada), April 15-18, 2019. PDF - "Automated Estimation of Link Quality for LoRa: A Remote
Sensing Approach" with Silvia Demetri, Marco Zuniga,
Fernando Kuipers, Lorenzo Bruzzone, and Thomas Telkamp.
In Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2019), Montreal (Canada), April 15-18, 2019. PDF - "Interference-Resilient Ultra-Low Power Aperiodic Data
Collection" with Timofei Istomin, Matteo Trobinger, and Amy
L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2018), Porto (Portugal), April 11-13, 2018. PDF - "IoTBench: Towards a Benchmark for
Low-power Wireless Networking with Carlo Alberto Boano, Simon Duquennoy, Anna Förster, Omprakash Gnawali, Romain Jacob, Hyung-Sin Kim, Olaf Landsiedel, Ramona Marfievici, Luca Mottola, Xavier Vilajosana,
Thomas Watteyne, and Marco Zimmerling
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems, co-located with the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2018), Porto (Portugal), April 11-13, 2018. PDF -
"Concurrent Ranging in Ultra-wideband Radios: Experimental Evidence, Challenges, and Opportunities" with
Pablo Corbalàn.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Madrid (Spain), February 14-16, 2018.
This paper received the Best Paper Award. PDF -
"Competition: Crystal Clear: Making Interference
Transparent" with Matteo Trobinger, Timofei Istomin, and Amy
L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Madrid (Spain), February 14-16, 2018. PDF
This paper describes the approach of our team to the EWSN'18 Dependability Competition, in which we got the 2nd place. We participated with our Crystal system, as published here and here. -
"Demo: Small PLaNS Towards Mars:
Exploiting Ultra-wideband for Self-localizing Rover Navigation" with
Nikola Janicijevic, Pablo Corbalàn, Timofei Istomin, and Enrico Varriale.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Madrid (Spain), February 14-16, 2018. PDF -
"Poster: Enabling Contiki on Ultra-wideband Radios" with
Pablo Corbalàn and Timofei Istomin.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Madrid (Spain), February 14-16, 2018. PDF -
"LASSO: A Device-to-Device Group Monitoring Service for Smart
Cities" with
Christine Julien, Amy L. Murphy, Matteo Saloni.
In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Cities (ISC2), Wuxi (China), September 14-17, 2017. PDF - "BLEnd: Practical Continuous Neighbor Discovery for
Bluetooth Low Energy" with Christine Julien, Chenguang Liu,
and Amy L.
In Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2017), Pittsburg (PA, USA), April 18-21, 2017. PDF - "LoRa from the City to the Mountains: Exploration of
Hardware and Environmental Factors" with Oana Iova, Amy
L. Murphy, Lorenzo Ghiro, Davide Molteni, Federico Ossi, Francesca
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Wireless Communication Paradigms for the Internet of Things Workshop (MadCom 2017), co-located with the 14th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Uppsala (Sweden), February 2017. PDF - "Data Prediction + Synchronous Transmissions = Ultra-low
Power Wireless Sensor Networks" with Timofei Istomin, Amy L.
Murphy, and Usman Raza.
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2016), Stanford (CA, USA), November 14-16, 2016. PDF - "Directional Antennas for Convergecast in Wireless Sensor
Networks: Are They a Good Idea?" with Giovanni Tarter and
Luca Mottola.
In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2016), Brasilia (Brazil), October 10-13, 2016. PDF - "D-RPL: Overcoming Memory Limitations in RPL
Point-to-Multipoint Routing" with Csaba Kiraly, Oana Iova,
Timofei Istomin.
In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2015), Clearwater Beach (FL, USA), October 26-29, 2015. PDF - "Estimating Low-power Radio Signal Attenuation in Forests: A
LiDAR-based Approach" with Silvia Demetri and Lorenzo Bruzzone.
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2015), Fortaleza (Brazil), June 10-12, 2015. PDF - "Geo-referenced Proximity Detection of Wildlife with
WildScope: Design and Characterization" with Davide Molteni, Amy L. Murphy, Federico Ossi, Francesca Cagnacci, Michele Corrà, Sandro Nicoloso.
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2015), Seattle (WA, USA), April 13-16, 2015. This paper received the Best Paper Award. PDF - "Is RPL Ready for Actuation?
A Comparative Evaluation in a Smart City Scenario" with Timofei
Istomin, Csaba Kiraly.
In Proc. of the 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Porto (Portugal), February, 9-11, 2015. PDF
"SensEH: From Simulation to Deployment of Energy Harvesting
Wireless Sensor Networks" with Riccardo Dall'Ora, Usman Raza,
Davide Brunelli.
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), Edmonton, Canada, October 2014. PDF -
"Design and Compilation of an Object-Oriented Macroprogramming
Language for Wireless Sensor Networks" with Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Roemer, Luca Mottola, Andrea Gaglione.
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), Edmonton, Canada, October 2014. PDF -
"TRIDENT: In-field Connectivity Assessment for Wireless Sensor
Networks" with Timofei Istomin, Ramona Marfievici, Amy
L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 6th Extreme Conference on Communication and Computing (ExtremeCom), Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, August 2014. PDF - "Software Engineering for Mobility: Reflecting on the Past,
Peering into the Future" with Christine Julien, Amy
L. Murphy, Mirco Musolesi, Gruia-Catalin Roman.
In Proceedings of the 34th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Invited paper in the Future of Software Engineering (FOSE) track. The paper reflects upon a similar paper we wrote a decade and a half ago. PDF -
"How Environmental Factors Impact Outdoor Sensor Networks: A Case
Study" with Ramona Marfievici, Amy L. Murphy, Federico Ossi, Francesca Cagnacci.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Hangzhou, China, October 2013. PDF -
"Cloud-assisted Dissemination in Social Overlays"
with Giuliano Mega and Alberto Montresor.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Peer-To-Peer (P2P), Trento, Italy, September 2013. - "Electronically-switched Directional Antennas for Wireless
Sensor Networks: A Full-stack Evaluation" with Luca Mottola
and Thiemo Voigt.
In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), New Orleans (LO, USA), June 2013. PDF - "makeSense: Real-world Business Processes through Wireless
Sensor Networks" with Florian Daniel, Joakim Eriksson,
Niclas Finne, Harald Fuchs, Andrea Gaglione, Stamatis Karnouskos, Patricio
Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Roemer, Patrik
Spiess, Stefano Tranquillini, and Thiemo Voigt.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects for Smart Cities (CONET/UBICITEC), Philadelphia (PA, USA), April 2013. - "Embracing Localization Inaccuracy: A Case Study" with Usman Raza and Amy L. Murphy. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), April 2013.
"Where's the Mote? Ask the MoteHunter!" with Csaba
In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), Clearwater (FL), USA, October 2012. - "On Churn and Communication Delays in Social
Overlays" with Giuliano Mega and Alberto Montresor
In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), Tarragona, Spain, September 2012. - "Process-Based Design and Integration of Wireless Sensor
Network Applications" with Stefano Tranquillini, Patrik
Spiess, Florian Daniel, Stamatis Karnouskos, Fabio Casati, Nina Oertel, Luca
Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Roemer and Thiemo Voigt.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), Tallin (Estonia), September 2012. - "Towards Business Processes Orchestrating the Physical
Enterprise with Wireless Sensor Networks" with Fabio Casati,
Florian Daniel, Guenadi Dantchev, Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne,
Stamatis Karnouskos, Paulo Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Oppermann, Antonio Quartulli, Kay Roemer, Patrik Spiess, Stefano Tranquillini, and Thiemo Voigt.
In Proceedings of the 34th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) - NIER track, Zurich (Switzerland), June 2012. - "What Does Model-driven Data Acquisition Really Achieve in Wireless Sensor Networks?" with Usman Raza, Alessandro Camerra, Amy L. Murphy and Themis Palpanas. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2012), Lugano (Switzerland), March 19-23, 2012. This paper received the Mark Weiser Best Paper Award. PDF
- "Efficient Dissemination in Decentralized Social Networks" with Giuliano Mega and Alberto Montresor. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2011), Kyoto (Japan), August 31-September 2, 2011. PDF
- "Group Monitoring in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks" with Marco Cattani and Stefan Guna. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS'11), Barcelona (Spain), June 27-29, 2011. PDF
- "Is There Light at the Ends of the Tunnel? Wireless Sensor Networks for Adaptive Lighting in Road Tunnels" with Matteo Ceriotti, Michele Corrà, Leandro D'Orazio, Roberto Doriguzzi, Daniele Facchin, Stefan Guna, Gian Paolo Jesi, Renato Lo Cigno, Luca Mottola, Amy L. Murphy, Massimo Pescalli, Denis Pregnolato, Carloalberto Torghele. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2011), Chicago (IL, USA), April 12-14, 2011, pp. 187-198. This paper received the Best Paper Award. PDF
- "Motes in the Jungle: Lessons Learned from a Short-term WSN Deployment in the Ecuador Cloud Forest" with Matteo Ceriotti, Matteo Chini, Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco, Francesca Cagnacci, Bryony Tolhurst. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN), Colombo (Sri Lanka), December 14-16, 2010. PDF
- "Software Engineering and Wireless Sensor Networks: Happy Marriage or Consensual Divorce?". In Proceedings of the FSE/SDP Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering Research (FoSER'10), co-located with the 18th ACM International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), November 7, Santa Fe (NM, USA). PDF
- "Wireless Sensors for Permanent Monitoring of Heritage Buildings"
with Huayong Wu, Daniele Zonta, Matteo Pozzi, Paolo Zanon, Matteo Ceriotti,
Luca Mottola, Stefan Guna, Amy L. Murphy, and Michele Corrà.
In Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, San Diego (CA, USA), March 2010. - "Selective Reprogramming of Mobile Sensor Networks through
Social Community Detection" with Bence Pasztor, Luca Mottola,
Cecilia Mascolo, Stephen Ellwood and David Macdonald.
In Proc. of the 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2010), Coimbra (Portugal), February, 17-19, 2010. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5970, pp. 178-193. PDF
- "Real-Time Health Monitoring of Historic Buildings with Wireless Sensor Networks" with Daniele Zonta, Matteo Pozzi, Huayong Wu, Paolo Zanon, Matteo Ceriotti, Luca Mottola, Amy L. Murphy, and Stefan Guna.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford (CA, USA), September 2009. PDF - "Monitoring Heritage Buildings with
Wireless Sensor Networks: The Torre Aquila Deployment" with Matteo
Ceriotti, Luca Mottola, Amy L. Murphy, Stefan Guna, Michele Corrà, Matteo Pozzi, Daniele Zonta, Paolo Zanon
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2009), San Francisco (CA, USA), April 13-16, 2009, pp. 277-288. This paper received the Best Paper Award. PDF - "Solving the Wake-Up Scattering Problem Optimally" with Alessandro Giusti, Amy L. Murphy, Luigi Palopoli, and Roberto Passerone.
In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2009), Cork (Ireland), February 11-13, 2009. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5432, pp. 166-182. PDF - "HyperCBR: Large-Scale Content-Based
Routing in a Multidimensional Space" with Stefano Castelli and Paolo Costa.
In Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2008), Phoenix (AZ, USA), April 13-18, 2008. PDF - "FiGaRo: Fine-Grained Software Reconfiguration
for Wireless Sensor Networks" with Luca Mottola and Adil Sheikh.
In Proceedings of the 5 th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2008), Bologna (Italy), January 30-February 1, 2008. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4913, pp. 286-304. PDF - "Data Sharing vs. Message Passing: Synergy or Incompatibility? An Implementation-Driven Case Study" with Matteo Ceriotti and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Fortaleza, Brazil, March 2008. PDF - "Programming Wireless Sensor Networks with Logical
Neighborhoods: A Road Tunnel Use Case" with Luca Mottola.
In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Sydney (Australia), November 2008.
Demo extended abstract. Received the SenSys 2007 Best Demo Award. PDF - "Programming Wireless Sensor Networks with the
TeenyLIME Middleware" with Paolo Costa,
Luca Mottola, and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2007), Newport Beach (CA, USA), November 26-30, 2007. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4834, pp. 429-449. The original technical report containing additional implementation and evaluation details is also available. PDF - "Enabling Scoping
in Sensor Network Macroprogramming" with
Luca Mottola, Animesh Pathak, Amol Bakshi, and
Viktor K. Prasanna.
In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Pisa (Italy), October 8-11, 2007 PDF - "Modeling the Communication Costs of Content-based Routing: The Case of Subscription Forwarding" with Stefano Castelli and Paolo Costa.
In Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2007), Toronto (Canada), June 2007. PDF - "Is Code Still Moving Around? A Look Back at a Decade of Code Mobility" with Antonio Carzaniga and Giovanni Vigna.
In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), Minneapolis (MN, USA), May 2007.
Invited paper, as part of the Most Influential Paper from ICSE'97 Award we received for this older paper. PDF - "A Compilation Framework
for Macroprogramming Networked Sensors" with Amol Bakshi, Luca Mottola, Animesh Pathak, and
Viktor K. Prasanna.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '07), Santa Fe (NM, USA), June 2007. PDF - "Expressing Sensor Network Interaction
Patterns using Data-Driven Macroprogramming" with
Amol Bakshi, Luca Mottola, Animesh Pathak, and
Viktor K. Prasanna.
In Proceedings of the IEEE PerCom Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for Pervasive Computing (PerSens), White Plains (NY, USA), March 2007. PDF - "The RUNES Middleware for
Networked Embedded Systems
and its Application in a Disaster Management Scenario" with
Paolo Costa, Geoff Coulson, Richard Gold, Manish
Lad, Cecilia Mascolo, Luca Mottola, Thirunavukkarasu
Sivaharan, Nirmal Weerasinghe, and Stefanos Zachariadis.
In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2007), White Plains (NY, USA), March 2007. PDF - "Decentralized Scattering
of Wake-up Times in Wireless Sensor Networks" with Alessandro Giusti
and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2007), Delft (The Netherlands), January 2007. PDF - "Efficient Routing
from Multiple Sources to Multiple Sinks
in Wireless Sensor Networks" with
Pietro Ciciriello
and Luca Mottola.
In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2007), Delft (The Netherlands), January 2007. PDF - "REDS: A Reconfigurable
Dispatching System" with Gianpaolo Cugola
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM 2006), Portland (OR, USA), November 2006. PDF - "Building Virtual Sensors
and Actuators over Logical Neighborhoods" with Pietro Ciciriello
and Luca Mottola.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Middleware for Sensor Networks (MidSens 2006), Melbourne (Australia), November 2006. PDF - "TeenyLime: Transiently Shared Tuple
Space Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks" with
Paolo Costa, Luca Mottola, and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Middleware for Sensor Networks (MidSens 2006), Melbourne (Australia), November 2006. PDF - "Pervasive Games in a Mote-Enabled
Virtual World Using Tuple Space Middleware" with L. Mottola and
A.L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Network & System Support for Games (NETGAMES 2006), Singapore, October 2006. PDF - "Distributed Abstract Data Types" with
Matteo Migliavacca, Amy L. Murphy, and Gruia-Catalin
In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA'06), Montpellier (France), October 2006. Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science 4276, pp. 1594-1612. PDF (the extended technical report is also available) - "Dynamic Reconfiguration
in the RUNES Middleware" with Geoff Coulson, Richard
Gold, Manish Lad, Cecilia Mascolo, Luca Mottola, and Stefanos Zachariadis.
In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'06), October 2006, Vancouver (Canada). Formal research demonstration. PDF - "Logical Neighborhoods: A Programming
Abstraction for Wireless Sensor Networks" with
Luca Mottola.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '06), San Francisco (CA, USA), June 2006. Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 4026, pp. 150-167. PDF, BibTeX - "Transiently Shared Tuple
Spaces for Sensor Networks" with
Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the Euro-American Workshop on Middleware for Sensor Networks, co-located with the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '06), San Francisco (CA, USA), June 2006. (Invited contribution) PDF - "Using Lime to Support Replication
for Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" with
Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORD06), Bologna (Italy), June 2006. Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 4038, pp. 194-211. PDF, BibTeX - "Programming Wireless Sensor Networks
with Logical Neighborhoods" with
Luca Mottola.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Integrated Internet Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (INTERSENSE 2006), Nice (France), May 29-31, 2006. (Invited contribution) PDF, BibTeX - "Publish-Subscribe
on Sensor Networks: A Semi-probabilistic Approach" with Paolo Costa and Silvana Rossetto.
In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'05), November 7-10, 2005, Washington DC (USA). PDF, BibTeX - "The RUNES Middleware: A Reconfigurable Component-based Approach to Networked Embedded Systems" with Paolo Costa, Geoff Coulson, Cecilia Mascolo, Stefanos Zachariadis.
In Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'05), September 2005, Berlin (Germany). PDF, BibTeX - "Semi-probabilistic
Content-Based Publish-Subscribe" with Paolo Costa.
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS05), June 6-19, Columbus (OH, USA), pp. 575-585, IEEE Computer Society Press. PDF, BibTeX - "Scavenging Complex Genomic
Information Using Mobile Code: An Evaluation" with Mauro
Pezzè and Davide Tosi.
In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS05), June 16-20, Shangai (China). PDF, BibTeX - "TinyLIME:
Bridging Mobile and Sensor Networks through Middleware " with
Carlo Curino, Matteo Giani, Marco Giorgetta, Alessandro Giusti, and Amy
L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2005), Kauai Island (Hawaii), March 8-12, 2005, pp. 61-72, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Selected among the conference best papers and invited for publication in the Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing. PDF, BibTeX - "LighTS:
A Lightweight, Customizable Tuple Space Supporting
Context-Aware Applications" with
Davide Balzarotti and Paolo Costa.
In Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2005), Santa Fe (New Mexico, USA), March 13-17, 2005.
Selected among the conference best papers and invited for publication in the Journal of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems. PDF, BibTeX - "Enhancing
Remote Method Invocation through Type-Based Static Analysis" with
Carlo Ghezzi and Vincenzo Martena.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE04), held as part of the joint conference on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS04), Barcelona (Spain), March 29-31, M. Wermelinger and T. Margaria eds., Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2984, pp. 339-353, 2004. PDF, BibTeX (The full extended technical report is also available) - "On
Calculi for Context-Aware Coordination"
with Pietro Braione
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORD04), February 24-27, 2004, Pisa (Italy), R. De Nicola, G. Ferrari, and G. Meredith eds., Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2949, pp. 38-54, 2004. PDF, BibTeX - "Using
Coordination Middleware for Location-Aware Computing: A Lime Case
Study" with Amy L. Murphy
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORD04), February 24-27, 2004, Pisa (Italy), R. De Nicola, G. Ferrari, and G. Meredith eds., Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2949, pp. 263-278, 2004. PDF, BibTeX - "Epidemic
Algorithms for Reliable Content-Based Publish-Subscribe: An Evaluation"
with Paolo Costa, Gianpaolo
Cugola, and Matteo Migliavacca.
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS04), March 23-26, Tokyo (Japan), T.H. Lai and K. Okada eds., pp. 552-561, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004. PDF, BibTeX - "Minimizing
the Reconfiguration Overhead in Content-Based Publish-Subscribe" with
Gianpaolo Cugola, Davide Frey, and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC04), March 14-17, Nicosia (Cyprus), A. Omicini et al. eds., pp. 1134-1140, ACM Press, 2004. PostScript, BibTeX (The full extended technical report is also available) - "Introducing Reliability in Content-Based Publish-Subscribe through
Epidemic Algorithms" with Paolo Costa, Gianpaolo Cugola, and Matteo
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'03), San Diego (CA, USA), June 8, 2003. PDF, BibTeX - "Efficient
Content-Based Event Dispatching in Presence of Topological
Reconfigurations" with
Gianpaolo Cugola and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS03), Providence (RI, USA), P. McKinley and S. Shatz eds., pp. 234-243, ACM Press, May 2003. PostScript, BibTeX - "Mobile
Code in .NET: A Porting Experience" with
Márcio Delamaro.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Agents (MA 2002), Barcelona (Spain), N. Suri ed., Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2355, pp. 16-31, October 2002. PDF, BibTeX - "Towards
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Publish-Subscribe Systems" with
Gianpaolo Cugola, and Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM02), co-located with the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE02), May 2002, Orlando (FL), USA, A. Coen-Porisini and A. van Der Hoek eds., Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2596, pp. 187-202, 2003. PDF, BibTeX - "Peer-to-peer
for Collaborative Applications" with
Gianpaolo Cugola
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile Teamwork Support, co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Vienna (Austria), H. Gall and G.P. Picco eds., IEEE press, pp. 359-364, July 2002. PDF, BibTeX - "Exploiting
Transiently Shared Tuple Spaces for Location Transparent Code Mobility"
with Marco L. Buschini.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, York (UK), F. Arbab and C. Talcott, eds., Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 2315, pp. 258-273. April 2002. PDF, BibTeX - "A
Web-based peer-to-peer architecture for collaborative nomadic working" with
Gianpaolo Cugola, Pascal Fenkam, Harald Gall, Engin Kirda, and Gerald
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Web-based Infrastructures and Coordination Architectures for Collaborative Enterprises, co-located with the 10th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 2001). MIT, Cambridge (MA, USA), June 2001. - "Lime:
A Middleware for Physical and Logical Mobility" with
Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS-21), Phoenix ( AZ, USA), F. Golshani, P. Dasgupta, and W. Zhao, eds., April 2001, pp. 524-533. A longer version (PostScript, ~188K) is available as Technical Report WUCS-00-05, February 2000, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. PostScript, BibTeX - "Developing
Mobile Computing Applications with Lime" with
Amy L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), Limerick (Ireland), M. Jazayeri and A. Wolf eds., ACM Press, ISBN 1-58113-206-9, June 2000, pp. 766-769. Formal research demonstration. PostScript, BibTeX - "Malaj:
A Proposal Eliminate Clashes Between Aspect-Oriented and
Object-Oriented Programming" with
Gianpaolo Cugola, Carlo Ghezzi, and Mattia Monga.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (ICS2000), co-located with the IFIP World Computer Congress 2000 (WCS2000), Bejing (China), August 2000. PDF, BibTeX - "Reliable
Communication for Highly Mobile Agents"
with Amy L. Murphy.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications held jointly with the 3rd International Symposium on Mobile Agents (ASA/MA'99), Palm Springs (CA, USA), D.S. Milojicic ed., October 1999, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-0340-3, pp. 141-150. Also available as Technical Report WUCS-99-15, May 1999, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. Selected among the conference's best papers and invited for publication in Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. PostScript, BibTeX - "A
Fine-Grained Model for Code Mobility"
with Cecilia Mascolo and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
In Proceedings of the 7th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with the 7th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '99), Toulouse (France), O. Nierstrasz and M. Lemoine eds., September 1999, Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 1687, ISSN 0302-9743, pp. 39-56. Also available as Technical Report WUCS-99-07, March 1999, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. PostScript, BibTeX - "Lime:
Linda Meets Mobility" with Amy
L. Murphy and Gruia-Catalin Roman.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'99), Los Angeles (USA), D. Garlan and J. Kramer, eds., May 1999, ACM Press, ISBN 1-58113-074-0, pp. 368-377. Also available as Technical Report WUCS-98-21, July 1998, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. PostScript, BibTeX - "Designing
a Videconference System for Active Networks" with
Mario Baldi and Fulvio Risso.
In Mobile Agents, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Agents 98 (MA'98), Stuttgart (Germany), K. Rothermel and F. Hohl eds., September 1998, Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 1477, ISBN 3-540-64959-X, pp. 273-284. Selected among the conference's best papers and invited for publication in Springer Journal of Personal Technologies. PostScript, BibTeX - "µCode:
A Lightweight and Flexible Mobile Code Toolkit"
In Mobile Agents, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Agents 98 (MA'98), Stuttgart (Germany), K. Rothermel and F. Hohl eds., September 1998, Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 1477, ISBN 3-540-64959-X, pp. 160-171. PostScript, BibTeX - "Evaluating
the Tradeoffs of Mobile Code Design Paradigms in Network Management
Applications" with Mario Baldi.
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'98), Kyoto (Japan), R. Kemmerer and K. Futatsugi, eds., April 1998, IEEE CS Press, ISBN 0-8186-8368-6, pp. 146-155. PostScript, BibTeX
Selected among the conference's best papers and invited for publication in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM). - "Expressing
Code Mobility in Mobile UNITY" with
Gruia-Catalin Roman and Peter J. McCann.
In Proceedings of the 6th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with the 5th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '97), Zurich (Switzerland), M. Jazayeri and H. Schauer eds., September 1997, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 1301, Springer, ISBN 3-540-63531-9, pp. 500-518. Also available as Technical Report WUCS-97-02, January 1997, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. PostScript, BibTeX - "Designing
Distributed Applications with Mobile Code Paradigms" with
Antonio Carzaniga and Giovanni Vigna.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'97), Boston (MA, USA), R. Taylor ed., May 1997, ACM Press, ISBN 0-89791-914-9, pp. 22-32. PostScript, BibTeX
This paper received at ICSE 2007 the Most Influential Paper from ICSE'97 Award. - "Exploiting
Code Mobility in Decentralized and Flexible Network Management" with
Mario Baldi and Silvano Gai.
In Mobile Agents, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobile Agents 97 (MA'97), Berlin (Germany), K. Rothermel and R. Popescu-Zeletin eds., April 1997, Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 1219, ISBN 3-540-62803-7, pp. 13-26. PostScript, BibTeX - "A
Characterization of Mobility and State Distribution in Mobile Code
Languages" with Gianpaolo
Cugola, Carlo Ghezzi, and Giovanni Vigna.
In Special Issues in Object-Oriented Programming: Workshop Reader of the 10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'96), M. Muehlhaueser ed., dpunkt, ISBN-3-920993-67-5, 1997, pp. 309-318. PostScript, BibTeX - "An
Experience in Improving an Industrial Software Process Through Formal
Modeling" with Sergio
Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Luigi Lavazza.
Position paper in the 4th Reengineering Forum held in Victoria, Canada, September 1994. The proceedings report only the presentation held by L.Lavazza. PostScript, BibTeX - "Designing
and Implementing Inter-Client Communication in the O2
Database Management System" with
Antonio Carzaniga and Giovanni Vigna.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems ISOOMS'94, Palermo (Italy), E.Bertino and S.Urban eds., September 1994, Lecture Notes on Computer Science vol. 858, Springer, pp. 53-64. PostScript, BibTeX - "Combining
Control and Data Integration in the SPADE-1 Process-centered Software
Engineering Environment" with
Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Luigi Lavazza.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Software Process Workshop, Arlie (VI, USA), October 1994, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 96-99. PostScript,BibTeX - "RobotSIM:
an Environment for Obstacle Avoidance Control Based on a Potential
Field Method" with Giuseppina
In Proceedings of the 8thInternational Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering (AIENG'93), Toulouse (France), G.Rzevsky, J.Pastor, and R.A.Adey eds., June 1993, pp. 479-494. BibTeX
- "Understanding,
Evaluating, Formalizing, and Exploiting Code Mobility"
Ph.D. Thesis, February 1998. PostScript (~853K), BibTeX - "Formalizzazione
di un processo software industriale: risultati e valutazioni"
Dr.Eng. diploma thesis, Politecnico di Milano, July 1993. In Italian. PostScript (part1 (~160K), part2 (~160K), part3 (~135K)), BibTeX - "Modeling
a Real Software Process with SLANG"
CEFRIEL "Masters" Thesis. Technical Report 93059, July 1993. PostScript (part1 (~141K), part2 (~149K)), BibTeX
Unrefereed Publications
- "An
Outlook on Software Engineering for Modern Distributed Systems"
with Carlo Ghezzi
In Proceedings of the Monterey workshop on Radical Approaches to Software Engineering, Venice (Italy), October 8-12, 2002. PDF - "A
Peer-to-Peer Middleware for Mobile Teamwork" with
Carlo Ghezzi and Gianpaolo Cugola
In ERCIM News (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), number 54, July 2003, pp. 19-21. - "Mobile
Agents: State of the Art and Research Opportunities"
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2001), Modena (Italy), M. Klusch ed., Springer, LNAI, September 2001. Invited talk extended abstract. PDF, BibTeX - "Workshop
on Software Engineering and Mobility" with
Gruia-Catalin Roman.
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2001), Toronto (Canada), IEEE Computer Society Press, May 2001, pp. 756-757. Workshop summary. PDF, BibTeX - "Context-Based
Dispatching in the Mobile Environment" with
Gianpaolo Cugola, Elisabetta di Nitto.
In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop su Sistemi Distribuiti: Algoritmi, Architetture e Linguaggi, Ischia (Italy). PDF, BibTeX - "Understanding
Code Mobility"
In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), Limerick (Ireland), M. Jazayeri and A. Wolf eds., ACM Press, ISBN 1-58113-206-9, June 2000, p. 834. Tutorial abstract. PDF, BibTeX - "An
Annotated Bibliography on Software Process Improvement" with
Alfonso Fuggetta.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, vol. 19, no. 3, July 1994, pp. 66-68. PostScript, BibTeX
Unpublished Technical Reports
- "PeerWare:
Core Middleware Support for Peer-To-Peer and Mobile
Systems" with
Gianpaolo Cugola.
PostScript - "Servizi
e Flessibilità nello scenario ICT" with
Mario Baldi, Valerio Malenchino, and Fulvio Risso.
CSELT Technical Report, DTR 97.1115, December 1997. In Italian. BibTeX - "The
SPADE Way to Inter-Client Communication in O2" with
Giovanni Vigna.
CEFRIEL Technical Report 94001, February 1994. BibTeX
Published Translations from English to Italian
"Miraggi elettronici" by David Blattner and Steve Austalkaknis
Feltrinelli Edizioni, Italia, 1995. -
"No Copyright" by Raffaele "Valvola" Scelsi
ShaKe Edizioni, Italia, 1995.
Translator of several of the papers included in the book. -
"Hackers" by Steven Levy.
ShaKe Edizioni, Italia, 1997.
Draft reviewer.