Technical Program(Preliminary Version)
Download the WONS 2004 Agenda for PalmOS-based handhelds.
Wednesday 21 - from 12:30Registration will be open from 12:30 a.m.Wednesday 21 - 17:30-18:30
Keynote speech:"Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Protocols and Applications"Mario Gerla, Computer Science Department, UCLA [Presentation slides (PDF, 2MB)] Wednesday 21 - 18:30-19:30
PanelChair: Imrich Chlamtac, Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni, University of Trento and President of Create-Net"Ad-Hoc Networks and the Wireless Internet" Participants: Andrew T. Campbell, Giuseppe Fortini, Mario Gerla, Gerald "Chip" Maguire, Jr. [Fortini Slides (PDF, 800KB)] [Gerla Slides (PDF, 800KB)] [Maguire Slides (PDF, 1MB)] Session 1Thursday 22 - 08:00-09:45Localization and Mobility Management
Thursday 22 - 09:45-10:15Coffee BreakSession 2Thursday 22 - 10:15-12:00MAC and Radio Resource Management
Thursday 22 - 12:00-16:00"Social activity & get together" BreakThursday 22 - 16:00-17:00"Late Lunch" BreakSession 3Thursday 22 - 17:00-18:00Bluetooth Scatternets
Thursday 22 - 18:00-18:15Short BreakSession 4Thursday 22 - 18:15-19:30Ad Hoc Routing I
Session 5Friday 23 - 08:00-09:45Security, Applications and Service Support
Friday 23 - 09:45-10:15Coffee BreakSession 6Friday 23 - 10:15-11:30Ad Hoc Routing II
Friday 23 - 12:00-16:00"Social activity & get together" BreakFriday 23 - 16:00-17:00"Late Lunch" BreakSession 7Friday 23 - 17:00-18:00MAC Analytical Models
Friday 23 - 18:00-18:15Short BreakSession 8Friday 23 - 18:15-19:30On-Demand Internet Access
Friday 23 - 20:00Social EventConference dinnerPoster SessionPosters will be on display: