WONS 2004

Madonna di Campiglio
(Trento, Italy)

January 21-23, 2004

First Working Conference
Wireless On-demand Network Systems

(sponsored by IFIP WG 6.3 and 6.8)

NAT-Based Internet Connectivity for On-Demand Ad Hoc Networks

Paal Engelstad (University of Oslo / Telenor R&D),
Geir Egeland (Telenor R&D)

Abstract - A prerequisite for widespread and successful deployment of on-demand ad-hoc networking technology is its ability to provide easy access to the Internet. Existing solutions for Internet access are mainly based on modifying Mobile IPv4 (MIPv4). An easier approach, yet poorly documented in published material, is to implement Network Address Translation (NAT) on Internet Gateway nodes in the ad hoc network. In this paper we describe problems experienced in our lab test-bed with NAT-based solutions under the condition of site multi-homing. Based on this experience, we propose a working solution for multi-homed ad hoc networks.
Published in:
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems
Proceedings of WONS2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS2928, Springer 2004.

Pages 342-356

To browse the conference proceedings, please go to the Springer's LNCS2928 Page.