WONS 2004

Madonna di Campiglio
(Trento, Italy)

January 21-23, 2004

First Working Conference
Wireless On-demand Network Systems

(sponsored by IFIP WG 6.3 and 6.8)

Activity-Based User Modeling in Service-Oriented Ad-Hoc-Networks

Tobias Breyer (Universität Karlsruhe),
Michael Klein (Universität Karlsruhe),
Philipp Obreiter (Universität Karlsruhe),
Birgitta König-Ries (Universität Karlsruhe)

Abstract - Wireless network research still lacks methods to integratively evaluate the performance that can be expected from application layer protocols. The user behavior is predominantly affecting network performance and shows itself in two parts: its mobility and its network usage. However, it is often reduced to analytical mobility models and network traffic models separating otherwise intertwined parameters. This paper demonstrates that the use of an integrated view based on the users' real-world activity can explain network-relevant parameters both with respect to mobility and to network usage and thereby allows a more natural and realistic modeling of user behavior. The benefits are presented with the help of our graph-based mobility model and its accompanying network usage model.
Published in:
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems
Proceedings of WONS2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS2928, Springer 2004.

Pages 42-55

To browse the conference proceedings, please go to the Springer's LNCS2928 Page.