WONS 2004

Madonna di Campiglio
(Trento, Italy)

January 21-23, 2004

First Working Conference
Wireless On-demand Network Systems

(sponsored by IFIP WG 6.3 and 6.8)

A Light Protocol for Distance Estimation in Bluetooth Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Felipe Gil-Castiņeira (Universidad de Vigo)
Francisco González-Castano (Universidad de Vigo)

Abstract - According to the results in this paper, Bluetooth MANET route hop count depends linearly on the distance between origin and destination, and therefore hop count may be a valid metric for MANET guidance services. However, scatternet-based or on-demand route formation algorithms for ideal MANETs are not well suited to Bluetooth technology, since route lifespan is too short even in case of moderate user walking speeds. As a consequence, we propose a feasible light protocol to estimate route lengths, based on Bluetooth inquiry/inquiry scan states. This protocol works properly for walking speeds, and it can be used to find persons in large spaces.
Published in:
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems
Proceedings of WONS2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS2928, Springer 2004.

Pages 375-380

To browse the conference proceedings, please go to the Springer's LNCS2928 Page.