Natural Language Understanding

Master in Artificial Intelligence Systems

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Language is the fundamental means for humans to develop at the individual and social level.
Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is the fundamental ability of artificial intelligence systems ( AIS ) that enables the interaction and the conversations with humans. AISs communicate directly with humans via the conversational interfaces of (ro)bots. AIS may be able to read and comprehend vast amounts of human language data ( speech, text or multimedia ) and make sense of it. In the first part of the course we will provide the students the basic knowledge about the natural language structure from the lexicon to the document level, formal models for representing the lexicon, the sentence and the discourse. We will present and provide the machine learning models to learn language structures from language corpora. In the last part of the course we will describe use cases of Natural Language Understanding in AIS. Students will be trained to train simple natural language understanding models for different tasks.

Read the
And here is an example of NLU

=======Lecture Topics, Slides, Lab============

Links below require UNITN credentials
Recordings of the labs maybe available on moodle.

Labs: You can find links to lab description and notebooks
in the "labmaterial" folder on
didattica-online ( Sign in Required ).
Student-Lecturer communication: use the student-lecturer space on didattica-online ( Sign-in Required )

Lecture Presentations:

Course Description (Incl. Assignments and Grading)
Natural Language: from Spoken to Written Language
Language Modeling
Constituency and Dependency Grammars
Named Entities
Lexical Semantics
Distributional Semantics
Sequence Labeling for NLU
Sequence Labeling for NLU with Neural Networks
Parsing Affective States: Sentiment Analysis

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