Homepage of Volha Bryl

I am currently a researcher at the Data and Knowledge Management research unit
at the Bruno Kessler Foundation.
I received a (master) degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the Belarusian State University in 2003,
and a PhD degree from the ICT Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technologies, at the
University of Trento in 2009.
My PhD dissertation was done at the
Software Engineering and Formal Methods group,
under the supervision of Paolo Giorgini.
From September to December 2007 I was a visiting student at
Software Engineering group at the
Department of Computer Science,
University of Toronto, working with
Prof. John Mylopoulos.
I am no longer updating this page! Visit me at the DKM unit of FBK.
Research Interests
- Agents and multi-agent systems, agent-oriented software engineering
- Goal- and agent-oriented requirements analysis and organizational modeling
- Automation support for requirements analysis,
- Modeling and analyzing requirements for secure and trusted systems
- ...
Projects and research activities
- Tropos, an agent-oriented software development methodology
- ToothAgent, a multi-agent architecture for virtual communities support
- MOSTRO, MOdelling Security and Trust Relationships within Organizations
- SERENITY, System Engineering for Security & Dependability
- MEnSA, Methodologies for the ENgineering of complex Software systems: Agent-based approach
A full list of my publications can be found here.
The list of journals, conferences and workshops for which I was involved in the reviewing process
can be found here.
Contact me: bryl@disi.unitn.it