Personal information
First Name: Pavel | |
Last Name: Shvaiko | |
Date of Birth: 08.06.1978 | |
Civil Status: Married | |
Professional experience
Organization or Company |
Job Title, |
Demand/Program/Project manager |
Independent expert: |
Program manager, Head of the Culture and Tourism area |
Innovation and research
manager, |
University of Trento, Department of Information and Communication Technology |
Associate, |
Language skills
Language |
Reading |
Speaking |
Writing |
English |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Italian |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Fluent |
Institution & Location |
Specialization |
Period of Studying |
Results/Topic |
University of Trento.
PostDoc |
12.2006 - 05.2008 |
Knowledge management |
University of Trento.
PhD Student |
11.2002 - 11.2006 |
PhD Thesis: |
Honors and Awards
ESWC 7 years award for the work "S-Match: an Algorithm and an Implementation of Semantic Matching", 2011 | |
A scholarship for a PostDoc position at the University of Trento, 2006 | |
A scholarship for a PhD position at ICT Int. School, University of Trento, 2002 | |
S-Match: an open source system for semantic matching |
Invited talks and panels
LHD+SemQuant at ISWC-2012: Making sense of the web of data: How can quantitative and other methods help us in utilizing the vast amounts of data around us? (panelist). |
Internet, Memoria e Futuro - the semantic way 2011: Open Data (panelist). |
Internet Governance Forum 2011: Open Trentino (panelist). |
Semantic Valley 2009: The Trentino development center for content technologies (panelist). |
ODBASE-2008: Ten Challenges for Ontology Matching, invited paper at the 7th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics |
SWTS at ESTC-2007: Schema-based Semantic Matching, at the ESTC'07 Semantic Web Technology Showcase workshop |
ISWC-2014: Ontology Matching at the 13th International Semantic Web Conference |
SWAP-2006: Ontology Matching at the 3rd Italian Semantic Web Workshop |
ESWC-2005: Schema and Ontology Matching at the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference |
Guest editorial activities
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on Ontology Alignment: Algorithms and Evaluation The Knowledge Engineering Review, 2020. |
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on Ontology Alignment in Life Sciences Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2018. [accepted articles] |
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on extended papers from 2006 conferences Journal on Data Semantics, XI, LNCS 5383, 2008. |
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on Contexts and Ontologies, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 23(1), 2008. |
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on Ontology Matching, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 3(2), 2007. |
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on extended papers from 2005 conferences (cont'd) Journal on Data Semantics, IX, LNCS 4601, 2007. |
Guest (co-) editor of the special issue on extended papers from 2005 conferences Journal on Data Semantics, VIII, LNCS 4380, 2007. |
Member of editorial board
Journal on Data Semantics, Springer, 2008-present |
Journal refereeing (>25 journals for multiple years; >100 articles refereed)
JWS, Journal of Web Semantics |
TKDE, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
IS, Information Systems |
KAIS, Knowledge and Information Systems |
CACM, Communications of the ACM |
DAPD, Distributed and Parallel Databases |
IJSWIS, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems |
DKE, Data and Knowledge Engineering |
SPE, Software: Practice and Experience |
IJHCS, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies |
JAIR, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research |
Intelligent Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems |
Expert Systems, Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering |
Applied Ontology, Journal of Ontological Analysis and Conceptual Modeling |
WWW Journal, World Wide Web Journal |
VLDB Journal, The Very Large Data Bases Journal |
SIGMOD Record, ACM SIGMOD Record |
OM: series of international workshops on Ontology Matching collocated with the International Semantic Web Conferences - ISWC
C&O: series of international workshops on Contexts and Ontologies |
ESWC: Extended Semantic Web Conference | |
ISWC: International Semantic Web Conference | |
WWW: World Wide Web Conference | |
ICDE: The IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering | |
EDBT: International Conference on Extending Database Technology | |
ODBASE: International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics | |
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | |
ECAI: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence | |
AIMSA: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications | |
SKG: International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid |
Pavel Shvaiko |
Trentino Digitale S.p.A. |
38121 - Trento, Italy |
e-mail: pavel dot shvaiko at tndigit dot it |
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