Formal Tropos Publications

The papers developed within the Formal Tropos project are:
A. Fuxman, L. Liu, J. Mylopoulos, M. Pistore, M. Roveri and P. Traverso
"Specifying and Analyzing Early Requirements"
Submitted for pubblication to the Requirements Engineering Journal.
A. Fuxman, L. Liu, M. Pistore, M. Roveri and J. Mylopoulos
"Specifying and Analyzing Early Requirements: Some Experimental Results"
Accepted for publication in RE-2003, the 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 8th-12th September 2003, Monterey Bay, California U.S.A.
A. Perini, M. Pistore, M. Roveri and A. Susi
"Agent-oriented modeling by interleaving formal and informal specification"
Accepted for publication in Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE-2003). Melbourne, Australia - July 15, 2003. To be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
A. Fuxman, M. Pistore, J. Mylopoulos and P. Traverso
"Model Checking Early Requirements Specifications in Tropos"
Accepted for publication in RE-2001, the 9th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, August 2001, Toronto Canada
A. Fuxman
"Formal Analysis of Early Requirements Specifications"
MsC Thesis, University of Toronto, Canada. 2001.
A. Fuxman, R. Kazhamiakin, M. Pistore and M. Roveri
"Formal Tropos: language and semantics"
Trento, 2003.
R. Kazhamiakin, M. Pistore and M. Roveri
"T-Tool Tutorial"
Trento, 2003.
R. Kazhamiakin, M. Pistore and M. Roveri
"A Framework for Integrating Business Processes and Business Requirements"
Accepted for publication in EDOC-2004, 8th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 20th-24th September 2004, Monterey, California U.S.A.
R. Kazhamiakin, M. Pistore and M. Roveri
"Formal Verification of Requirements Using SPIN: A Case Study on Web Services"
Accepted for publication in SEFM-2004, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 26th-30th September 2004, Beijing, China